Virdee technology integrations

A front-of-house tech hub

Virdee technology has existing integrations with top PMS, lock, and payment providers. Together, the Virdee Virtual Reception results in the ultimate guest-experience.

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Interested in integrating with Virdee?

PMS integrations

Lock integrations

While there are aren't nearly has many lock providers as PMS providers, there are still many options out there. Virdee can integrate with nearly any lock provider. Beyond that, Virdee Virtual Reception can even work with older magnetic stripe locks.

Virdee integrate with all major lock brands

Payment integrations

Virdee works with your payment provider to source the necessary software and hardware (in the case of a Kiosk). Integration is seamless, regardless of whether guests are paying with a credit card or mobile wallet.

Current payment integrations include

Payment is possible via mobile or kiosk, making digital check in a breeze

Ready for increased security with Virdee?